Apple will release macOS Big Sur on November 12 - Tech Solutions

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Apple will release macOS Big Sur on November 12

Appleā€™s upcoming desktop and laptop operating system, macOS Big Sur, will be released on November 12, the company announced today.

macOS Big Sur ā€” which stays with the companyā€™s California-themed naming scheme ā€” will arrive with a new and refreshed user interface, new features, and performance improvements.

Much of the features in iOS 14 are porting over ā€” including improved Message threading and in-line replies and a redesigned Maps app. The new Apple software also comes with a new Control Center, with quick access to brightness, volume, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

Safari also gets a much needed lick of paint. It comes with new privacy and security features, including an in-built intelligence tracking prevention that stops trackers following you across the web, and password monitoring to save you from using previously breached passwords.

If youā€™re wondering what macOS Big Sir is like to work on, TechCrunchā€™s Brian Heater took the new software for a spin in August.

macOS Big Sur will be supported on Macs and MacBooks dating back to 2013.

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from Mobile ā€“ TechCrunch

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